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A Trojan, also known as a Trojan horse, is a type of malicious software that disguises itself as a legitimate program but actually performs harmful actions on a computer system or network. Trojans often rely on social engineering tactics, to trick users into unknowingly installing them. Once installed, Trojans can perform a variety of malicious actions, such as stealing sensitive data, controlling the victim's computer remotely, or damaging the system's files and software. Unlike viruses or worms, Trojans do not replicate themselves or spread to other systems, but they can still cause significant harm and are a common tool used by cybercriminals to carry out attacks.



A sort of malware known as a trojan can control your computer even though it appears to be legitimate. Your data or network is intended to be damaged, interfered with, stolen from, or generally subjected to some other detrimental activity. It usually comes in the form of spam emails with attachments and lures you into downloading and running the malware-infected file. It has the ability to manage your device, monitor your internet behaviour, and steal your private information. Before you even realise it's there, it can potentially cause harm.

Trojans often rely on social engineering tactics to trick users into unknowingly installing them. They are commonly used by cybercriminals to carry out attacks and can cause significant harm to the victim's system.



The term "Trojan horse" is derived from Greek mythology and refers to the tactics used by the Greeks to enter the city of Troy during the Trojan War. The term was first used in the context of computer security in the early 1980s to describe a type of malicious software that disguised itself as a legitimate program. The first known Trojan was called ANIMAL and was discovered in 1975. In the 1990s, Trojans became more sophisticated and began to incorporate features such as backdoors, which allowed remote access to a victim's computer. Today, Trojans continue to be a significant threat to computer security, and cybercriminals use them for a variety of purposes.


Bad Deeds

The bad deeds of a Trojan are many and varied. Trojans can be used to steal sensitive data such as login credentials, financial information, and personal files. They can also be used to install additional malware or create backdoors that allow remote access to the victim's computer. Trojans are often used to launch large-scale attacks, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can cause significant harm to websites and online services. Additionally, Trojans can be used to damage or destroy the victim's files or entire system, causing data loss and significant disruption. Overall, Trojans are a significant threat to computer security and can cause serious harm to individuals and organizations alike.


Ways Which Trojan Can Harm

Remote access: Trojans can create backdoors that allow attackers to remotely access and control the victim's computer.

Botnets: Trojans can be used to create botnets, which are networks of infected computers that can be controlled remotely to carry out large-scale attacks, such as DDoS attacks.

Ransomware: Some Trojans can be designed to install ransomware, which can lock the victim's files or system until a ransom is paid.

Spyware: Trojans can be used to install spyware that monitors the victim's activity and collects sensitive information, which can be used for malicious purposes.

Preventing Measures

  • Use up-to-date antivirus software and keep it updated regularly. Avoid downloading software or attachments from untrusted sources or unknown senders.
  • Be aware when clicking on links or opening any attachments from unknown senders.
  • Be cautious when clicking on links or opening attachments from emails, even if they appear to be from a trusted source. Keep your os and software up-to-date with the latest security systems.
  • Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-step verification wherever possible. Disable unnecessary services and features on your computer or network to reduce the attack surface.
  • Regularly back up important data and files to an external drive or cloud storage service. Educate yourself and your employees about the risks of Trojans and other types of malware, and encourage safe browsing habits.


History of the term trojan

The hollow wooden horse that the Greeks hid in during the Trojan War is where the term "Trojan" comes from. The Greeks were able to emerge from hiding at night to assault the sleeping Trojans because the Trojans thought the horse was a gift and opened their walled city to accept it.

The same is true if you become a victim of Trojan infection; you can end up losing. No matter what kind of connected gadgets you use, it pays to be vigilant, cautious, and conservative.



Trojans are a type of malicious software that can perform harmful actions on a computer system or network. They are often disguised as legitimate software and rely on social engineering tactics to trick users into installing them. Trojans can steal sensitive data, create backdoors for remote access, damage or delete files, create botnets, install ransomware, and spy on victims. Preventive measures such as using up-to-date antivirus software, being cautious when downloading software or opening attachments, and regularly backing up data can help protect against Trojans. It is important to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure the security and privacy of your computer system and personal data.



A virus-free system is like a fortress; to be safe, it needs strong defences and ongoing upkeep.

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